Monday, April 27, 2009

3/22 - 3/24 - Our first family vacation! We went to Suncadia in Cle Elum.

Mom and Ethan checked things out while Dad unloaded our stuff. We nearly needed a U-hual, but Dad has mad Tundra packing skills.

Don't let the bright sun fool you - it was cold and snowing! So much for all the hiking and outdoor activities we were planning!

Since it was so cold we dedided to check out the pool and fitness center, but it was under attack by deer! (and closed for the evening). Ethan was in awe; he had never seen so many deer or a deer for that matter.

Big Bad Dad was determined to hit the waterslides and started devising a plan to sneak his family past the guard deer.

The next day Ethan was nervous over lunch, but Mom tried to assure him Big Bad Dad had everything under control.

As to not foil the plan, Mom and Dad waited until Ethan was nearly asleep before....

Ethan got his first dip in the/a pool!

and Dad got to go down the waterslides!!

The whole excursion wore Ethan out. Dad was triumpant and with his adrenaline pumping had a hard time falling asleep...

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